As autumn unfolds, brace yourself for a whirlwind of unexpected shifts and breakthroughs in your October horoscope. The month commences with a powerful solar eclipse in Libra on Oct. 2, offering a fresh start for relationships, partnerships, and justice seekers. However, Venus, the ruler of Libra, journeying through Scorpio, anticipates these changes to carry a deep and transformative energy. …
star signs
Spectacular September Horoscope Predictions. Are You Ready!!!
EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED Happy Super September, astrology enthusiasts! Get ready for an amazing September 2024! This month is packed with celestial events, including Uranus retrograde, a full moon, and a lunar eclipse in Pisces on Sept 17th. As fall arrives, so does Virgo season, prompting you to reorganize and declutter your life for a healthier, more balanced routine. Virgo's influence may lead …