When submitting editorial pieces to All Pro Media LLC and its various DBA’s, please follow the guidelines outlined on this page. Upon reviewing submissions, All Pro Media LLC and its various DBA’s reserves the rights to accept or deny any submission we receive (this also includes after a pull-letter has been provided). Submissions are reviewed based on their content, quality and relevance. All Pro Media LLC and its various DBAs look to publish the highest quality work. We will immediately decline submissions for the following reasons: religion, race, politics, creed, ethnicity, and reserves the right to accept or deny any submissions per the company policy and at the discretion of the publisher. Real Vegas magazine reserves such right to protect our readers, advertisers, and clientele and to remain biased.
What to Submit
Submitters have the ability to submit an existing editorial piece one has created or can provide a submission proposal. Anyone is eligible to submit. Submitter must provide information regarding the individual and/or team who worked on the submission. When submitting through email, please email us directly at marketing@realvegasmagazine.com and not under a BCC.
NOTE: All submissions for All Pro Media and its various DBAs are not guaranteed to be featured in any upcoming issue or online feature. Our Board of Directors and editorial team reviews every submission in the order it was received and reserve all rights on their selections.
For Submission proposals, please provide information about the submitter (e.g if represented by agency, specialties, etc.) and Link to website and/or portfolio if applicable.
How To Submit
Please send all submissions via email to marketing@realvegasmagazine.com for the All Pro Media team to review. Submissions can only be in the form of a word document. Once approved, editorial submission are requested to be in the following format: All images provided must be in hi-resolution 350-400 DPI. All editorial submissions must have writer and photographer credits.
All articles must include hi-res images to be incorporated with the article. If you have any particular images that you would like to be paired with your article, please provide All Pro Media with either links or as an email attachment. You must provide us with the link to each image. Please email marketing@realvegasmagazine.com for the minimum word count of each size per the magazine layout.
Important Notice
As a contributor, all the images you submit for any issue of All Pro Media LLC and its various DBAs must be copyright fee. The submitted works must be all done by yourself and you must be the authentic copyright holder. If which every submission(s) get involved with any copyright entanglement because of the above, your eligibility will automatically be revoked. You will be solely responsible for all the legal consequences under all circumstances regardless of All Pro Media’s awareness or not.
Furthermore, in order to achieve better page layout design, All Pro Media and its various DBAs has the right to use, enlarge, reduce, and/or crop the original photographs and images provided.
Tear sheets are available upon request from the submitter and must be approved by only the publisher. In case of overwhelming artwork and editorial submission, not all submitted stories are guaranteed to be covered or featured in the publication. All Pro Media, its various DBAs, editors and the Board of Directors reserves all rights on the selection.
Please note: While we try to respond to as many email submissions as we can, not every inquiry will receive a response. Submissions will be reviewed in the order that they are received.
Revised August 14, 2018