Jodie Rocco was born in Cleveland Ohio. A twin and one of 6 children. Her father was in the Army and she traveled the world with her family. She recorded her first record at 17 in Germany while her father was stationed there. When her father retired and moved back to the US, Jodie remained in Germany for 14 more years. During that time, she grounded the band “Rocco” and wrote and recorded 2 …
Arts & Culture
Dating an Alpha Female
By TrinaMarie Shaw What is an Alpha Female? She is known to be self-reliant and confident. She has it all together and can make things happen. She is super bright, possesses a sharp analytical brain, powerful, not easily influenced, and knows exactly what she wants. She is similar to the Alpha male’s personality. Eager to take on challenging roles to test themselves as leaders and furthering …
Introducing Picnic On The Lawn!
Picnic On The Lawnpresented by New Vista Join New Vista at Downtown Summerlin to support their all new Picnic On The Lawn Series. Beginning April 15th and select Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings through June, New Vista Ranch will host an upscale, carefully curated outdoor picnic experience on The Lawn at Downtown Summerlin! The wide-open grassy space …
GO PURPLE for Crime Victims’ Rights Week
Nevada, April 18-24, 2021 As the world unites to find the strength and wisdom to defeat the COVID-19 virus we also continue to fight for the rights of victims of another kind. “Support Victims. Build Trust. Engage.” This is the message of hope and inspiration from the US Department of Justice, and Office of Victims of Crime in recognition of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, which is …