Stabile Productions, led by dynamic duo husband and wife, Angela and Matt Stabile have been wowing audiences with their outstanding shows, while creating remarkable family success in the entertainment sector of Las Vegas now for generations. Some of the best adult entertainment on the Strip that Vegas has to offer. Whether you’re in the mood for burlesque, feeling a little country, or looking for a laugh, “X” Burlesque, “X” Country, and the comical Piff the Magic Dragon are incredible options for tourists and locals alike.
The backbone of Stabile Productions success is attributed to their family makeup dubbing the Stabile’s as the Family of Entertainment! Angela’s roots started as a Las Vegas Showgirl and led her to be the phenomenal producer behind the Stabile Productions brand. Matt Stabile was also brought up in show business and managed the one-of-a-kind Jerry Lewis.
Further elevating the Stabile Productions business is their two children, Tiffany and Frankie. They both grew up in entertainment as well and Frankie, as a member of Slash featuring Myles Kennedy & the Conspirators, Mammoth WVH, and owner of the iconic Hard Hat Lounge have also been an integral part of the family’s success. Angela states, “Working in entertainment in all capacities is our passion!” And that fortitude and passion run deep here in the entertainment capital of the world.
Stabile Productions has recently celebrated their 21st anniversary of their flagship production, “X” Burlesque and they continue to work tirelessly on every show and project behind the scenes, dominating some of the best Las Vegas Strip hotels of guests seeking an incredible entertainment experience. The company also recently received the key to the city from Commissioner Tick Segerblom, solidifying the well-known fact that the family is known for their high-energy productions and further cementing their impact and success as what we like to refer to as ‘The Real Family of Entertainment’!
Angela currently produces and operates all three shows including the iconic “X” Burlesque, “X” Country, and Piff the Magic Dragon. Locals and tourists alike rave about the sexy and seductive topless revues, and we are proud to name Angela and Tiffany Stabile Women Who Wow of Las Vegas once again in 2025!
For tickets and updates, call: 702.777.2782 or visit
To keep up with Angela and Tiffany in real time and in real life, follow them on IG: @vegasshowqueen & @tiffanystabile26
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